Golden Retriever Bite Force

A Golden Retriever’s bite force is around 190 PSI (pounds per square inch). The bite force is how much pressure of force is exerted when biting – in this case how hard a Golden Retriever bites. 

The bite force varies depending on why they’re biting. For example, a cornered, scared Golden Retriever will bite harder than a puppy playfully nipping. It’s also affected by the type of bite on a scale of level one to level six (more on this below).

Golden Retrievers are usually sweet-natured and not known for biting – but in certain circumstances, any animal can bite.

Read on to find out why a Golden Retriever might bite, how to prevent biting, and more.

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Are Golden Retrievers Good With Kids?

Golden Retrievers are usually great with kids. They’re protective, intelligent, and affectionate which makes them not only great additions to the family but also makes them a kid’s best friend. 

Most socialised and trained Golden Retrievers are a perfect fit into a family – and they quickly become a beloved family member. 

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule – you might find a Golden Retriever whose personality simply isn’t geared towards a big family (but this seems to be quite rare for this breed).

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Are Golden Retrievers Hypoallergenic?

No, Golden Retrievers aren’t hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic means low allergy, and due to their excessive shedding and having two coats, Golden Retrievers don’t fall into this category.

But even if you’re allergic to other dogs, you might still be able to have a Golden Retriever as a pet – as you might not be allergic specifically to this breed. And even then, there are ways to manage your pet’s fur to avoid allergic reactions.

Also, following tips like regular grooming, avoiding getting carpets at home, and not letting your Golden Retriever lick your face (amongst other things) will help you avoid allergic reactions. 

Read on to find out what a hypoallergenic dog is, whether you can have a Golden Retriever as a pet if you have allergies, and more!

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Are Golden Retrievers Smart?

Yes, Golden Retrievers are one of the smartest dog breeds (ranked around 4th in the world). You’ll realise as soon as you get a Golden Retriever that they’re easy to train and sensitive to human emotions. 

Read on to find out how it’s determined that Golden Retrievers are the 4th smartest dog breed, the pros and cons of having such a smart pet, and more.

Fun fact: Studies show that a Golden Retriever’s intelligence is on par with a human child aged between two years and two and a half years old! They can learn and understand over 150 words.

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Where Do Golden Retrievers Come From?

Golden Retrievers originally came from the Highlands of Scotland. They were bred by a member of the English Gentry called Dudley Coutts Majoribanks (later known as Lord Tweedmouth) in the 19th century to hunt for game. 

When they were first bred, Golden Retrievers were closely involved with hunting – they were perfect for running long distances, obeying commands, and gently carrying game back to their owners. However, their popularity increased much later when they transitioned from hunting dogs to family pets.

Read on to learn more about the origins of the Golden Retrievers!

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Which Human Foods Are Dangerous for My Golden Retriever?

Golden Retrievers are food-motivated animals. 

You’ll notice they perfect those sweet puppy-dog eyes early on when the food comes out. It can be tempting to treat your Golden Retriever to some of your food – but you should make sure you’re well versed in the ‘human’ foods that your Golden Retriever can and can’t have. 

Some foods can seriously harm your Golden Retriever if they get their paws on them

In the worst cases, eating the wrong human food could be fatal for your Golden Retriever, but even mildly your dog could suffer from unpleasant symptoms and require costly treatment from the vet.

With human food, if you don’t know if it’s safe, you should err on the side of caution and keep it on your plate. With particularly toxic foods, you should store them out of reach of your pet and dispose of any waste properly. Be mindful of spillages and dropped food that your pet might sneakily eat.

If your pet has eaten some human food that they shouldn’t have, contact your vet ASAP or call the Pet Poison Hotline. Be aware that you’ll be charged for these services, but they’re well worth the cost to save your pet’s life.

Check out our list below of foods you should not be letting your Golden Retriever eat.

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Best Golden Retriever Names

Looking to bring home a Golden Retriever? 

You’re in for a treat! But that means you need to find the perfect name for your new addition!

There are so many things to consider when trying to find a great name for your Golden Retriever. 

How many syllables does it have? Might it be confused with any potential commands? And will you be calling out to them in public?

Read on for some inspiration and advice!

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How to Get a Golden Retriever Puppy

Getting a Golden Retriever puppy doesn’t just mean getting the first puppy you come across, it also means asking all the right questions (like asking about their health checks and vaccinations), purchasing essentials for your home, and learning about how to best care for them.

You’ve done your research and decided that a Golden Retriever will be the perfect addition to your family. You won’t regret it, they’re wonderful family pets! But now you need to find out everything you need to know about getting a Golden Retriever puppy so you can be as prepared as possible.

Read on to find out all you need to know about finding your perfect pup, what equipment you’ll need to raise them, what questions you should be asking the breeder (if you get them from a breeder), and more!

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When Should You Spay Your Female Golden Retriever?

If you have a pet Golden Retriever and you are not intending to breed from her, should you have her spayed?

If yes, when is the best age to do this?

In this post I look at the pros and cons of spaying your bitch and when the ‘right time’ is.

There doesn’t seem to be a set in stone answer for this. 

Read on to find out the theories behind all of your potential options.

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Can Golden Retrievers Live in Apartments?

Yes, you can have a Golden Retriever in a flat or apartment as long as you are mindful of their needs. This doesn’t just mean going to the toilet, but also if there’s enough space for them.

Golden Retrievers are large dogs with what seems like unlimited energy. A large house and spacious garden will help if you have space for them to run around and play with you.

However, it isn’t essential to have a large house or garden to raise a happy, healthy Golden, providing you make sure they still receive plenty of exercise and opportunities to stretch their legs.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about keeping a Golden Retriever in a flat – the problems, tips to help toilet train your pet, and more!

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